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Condominium Maintenance Requirements in Singapore

In Singapore, condominium operators (e.g. Management Corporation Strata Titles, condominium building owners) are required to adhere to certain standards with regards to the maintenance requirements of condominiums under their charge to comply to government regulations. Respective licenses are to be obtained with regards to different aspects of condominium operation. Commencing an unlicensed operation will

By | 2018-11-27T18:37:34+08:00 November 27th, 2018|Categories: Maintenance|Tags: , |1 Comment

How to Deal with Water Seepage in Car Parks

Water seepage is one of the many challenges condo managements have to deal with. Water seepage leads to problems such as peeling paint. However, it could be a sign of even bigger problems that require solutions that are more than just re-painting. Paint peeling off regularly in car parks as a result

By | 2018-10-31T07:39:46+08:00 October 30th, 2018|Categories: Car Parks, Maintenance, Painting|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Pneumatic Waste Conveyance Systems in Condos

Odour, pests, unsightly mess – something which we can relate to the current waste collection system in most housing estates where the ubiquitous rubbish bins are placed on pavements or in void decks; households throw garbage down in-unit rubbish chutes with a bin at the bottom that collects the waste. These bins are cleared

By | 2020-09-07T10:52:21+08:00 February 13th, 2018|Categories: Maintenance, Refuse collection|Tags: , |0 Comments

Industry Transformation Map targets facilities management

In a positive development towards improving the facilities management industry, the Building and Construction Authority has announced the launch of the Real Estate Industry Transformation Map. The BCA, working together with the Council of Estate Agents, stated that Industry Transformation Map initiatives will focus on transforming the Facilities Management (FM) and property transaction services sectors to

Rubbish Removal at Condos – Who’s in charge?

All households in Singapore receive a monthly communication from SPgroup detailing utilities services: electricity, gas, and water.  Those services are charged based on metered usage and are billed by SPgroup but each of the services are provided for by different providers.  Another charge that we seldom pay attention to is for rubbish removal. On

By | 2018-07-22T16:54:19+08:00 January 11th, 2018|Categories: Maintenance|Tags: , |1 Comment

How to Choose a Painting Vendor

Painting a building or an apartment sounds quite simple. Appoint a painter, choose the colours and start painting, nothing difficult. But is it really that simple? What are the regulations that govern the painting of a building’s exterior; how should building owners or the MCST (Management Corporation Strata Title) decide when to paint; how

By | 2018-07-22T16:41:29+08:00 June 10th, 2017|Categories: Maintenance, Painting|Tags: , |4 Comments