Title: Building Maintenance (Strata Management) Regulations 2005
This subsidiary legislation sets out regulation of strata management matters like:
- owner developer’s obligations to supply prescribed records to management corporation (MC)
- procedure for obtaining approval from Commissioner of Buildings (COB) to impose additional contributions or carry out restricted activities during the initial period
- supply of information by councils and executive committees
- insurance cover to be taken • types of limited common property
- statutory bylaws
- fees chargeable by COB for approving certain applications.
The text of the subsidiary legislation can be found here.
Title: Building Maintenance and Strata Management (Lift, Escalator and Building Maintenance) Regulations 2016
This subsidiary legislation sets out requirements for general building maintenance e.g. keeping the external of buildings clean and tidy, and maintenance of lifts and escalators.
The text of the subsidiary legislation can be found here.
Title: Building Maintenance and Strata Management (Strata Units) Regulations 2005
This subsidiary legislation sets out the filing procedure and fees payable for approval of share value in sub-divided buildings.
The text of the subsidiary legislation can be found here.
Title: Building Maintenance and Strata Management (Composition of Offences) Regulations 2005
This subsidiary legislation sets out the offences in the BMSMA as well as the regulations which may be compounded.
The text of the subsidiary legislation can be found here.
Title: Building Maintenance and Strata Management (Strata Management Accounts – Exemption) Order
This Order exempts small MCs from auditing requirements. MCs with 4 or fewer lots or MCs which for the whole of any financial year have 4 or fewer SPs, are exempted from the need to have the MC’s books and accounts audited by a public accountant. The same applies to MCs with 5 to 10 lots whose accounts can be audited by any of their SPs subject to a resolution by consensus.
The text of this subsidary legislation can be found here.
Title: Building Maintenance and Strata Management (Exempt Treasurers) Order
The BMSMA limits any individual holding the office of treasurer to not more than 2 consecutive terms. This Order exempts MCs comprising 10 or fewer lots from this requirement subject to a resolution by consensus.
The text of this subsidiary legislation can be found here.
Title: Building Maintenance and Strata Management (Exemption of Certain Management Corporations from Section 27 (1)) Order
This Order exempts smaller MCs from the need to hold AGMs if all the SPs agree via a resolution by consensus. Smaller MCs are those that comprise not more than 3 SPs or where the strata estate is owned by a single owner or a group of joint SPs.
The text of this subsidiary legislation can be found here.
Title: Building Maintenance and Strata Management (Termination of Management Corporation – Exemption) Order
This Order exempts a strata title plan comprising a single proprietor from the requirement of a resolution by consensus are required by section 84 of the BMSMA.
The text of this subsidiary legislation can be found here.