13 November 2017, Vendor Management
11:00 AM | Webinar | 1 Hours 30 Minutes
Issues relating to vendor management; appointment of vendors; tender process
Learning objectives: Awareness of best practices in obtaining services of vendors
Please e-mail noi.rahman@mcstguru.com to register.
19 November 2017, Enbloc issues
11:00 AM | Webinar | 1 Hours 30 Minutes
Issues relating to enbloc process
Learning objectives: Awareness of issues relating to enbloc process and solutions to roadblocks in the process.
Please e-mail noi.rahman@mcstguru.com to register.
20 November 2017, Document management
11:00 AM | Webinar | 1 Hours 30 Minutes
Importance of document management for MCSTs
Learning objectives: Know what documents need to be stored for reference or legislative purposes. Methods of storage of documents – digitisation vs hard copy print. Basic folders to organize relevant documents.
Please e-mail noi.rahman@mcstguru.com to register.
21 November 2017, Conduct of Meetings
11:00 AM | Webinar | 1 Hours
Discussion on the requirements in holding meetings, including AGMs and EOGMs – voting, proxy, minutes, notice of resolutions, etc
Learning objectives: Awareness of proper procedure in carrying out statutory meetings and extraordinary meetings.
Please e-mail noi.rahman@mcstguru.com to register.
24 November 2017, Government initiatives and grants
11:00 AM | Webinar | 1 Hours
Discusses government grants that may be available for Condos and MCSTs.
Learning objectives: Learn of grants that Condos can leverage on for the improvement of their surroundings and the administration of MCSTs; and how to apply for them.
Please e-mail noi.rahman@mcstguru.com to register.